Policies for Growing Businesses

Perfect for larger businesses or businesses who want to take their business to the next level as they grow. They are policies which may become your main staple diet over time. You can pick from the menu below :

Alcohol/Drugs policy
A policy containing the rules concerning substances at work, outside work and testing
Anti-bribery policy
Policy on gifts and bribes in accordance with the Bribery Act
Anti-slavery and human trafficking policy
A policy on the company resources chain and steps taken to prevent anti-slavery
Bring your own devices policy
A policy governing the rules when employees bring their own devices into the work place
Capability procedure
A policy dealing with performance management issues and the process to be followed
Company car policy
Essential for businesses with company cars setting out the rules to follow in different scenarios
Company equipment policy
A policy governing the use and car of items of company equipment provided to staff
Confidentiality agreement
A separate agreement setting out how the employee will preserve confidential information and information relating to business affairs
Data Protection policy
A policy compliant with the GDPR and DPA concerning the processing of data
Directors contract
A senior level contract of employment with a number of benefits for very senior employees
Dress and appearance policy
A policy governing what is appropriate to wear at work and how to present oneself
Expenses policy
A policy outlining what employees can reclaim and how
Flexible working policy
A policy setting out the general rights to make a flexible working request and how the process will be followed
Health and Safety policy
A policy setting out individual and employer’s obligations to comply with health and safety law
Holiday policy
A policy setting out the process for requesting holiday and how holiday is calculated
IT Policy
Incorporating the email and internet policy, this also deals with what the IT systems can be used for
Junior contract
A contract of employment for a junior employee with minimal benefits
Management contract
A contract of employment for management with a number of benefits but not for use for directors of the company
Maternity and paternity policy
A policy outlining all the rights and responsibilities for maternity, paternity and adoption leave as well as parental leave
No smoking policy
A policy around where and when employees can smoke
A more detailed reference than our standard reference
Salary sacrifice agreement
Ideal for businesses that offer employees a salary sacrifice scheme to their employees
Sickness absence policy
A policy dealing with the sickness absence procedure as well as outlining how short and long-term absences will be handled
Social media policy
A policy governing the use of social media in and out of the workplace and on termination
Whistleblowing policy
A policy outlining how employees can make a protected disclosure and their protection when they do

Coming soon.